Welcome to Electrolytic,

Add superpowers to your Electron apps 💪

First thing you're going to need is an API key.

You can create a free account or log in if you already have one and get your API key.

Next, install the electrolytic package from NPM

npm install electrolytic --save

const { app } = require('electron')
const Electrolytic = require('electrolytic')
const electrolytic = Electrolytic({
  appKey: '<Your-API-Key>'

Let's quickly enable Analytics for now,


Now run your app with npm start or however you do it. Once its started, head over to the Analytics page on our dashboard and you'll see your Operating System and app's name listed there.

Now you're ready to start using Push and Cloud Configs as well.

For any issues, suggestions or questions regarding the docs, please use this repo.